Happy Almost-September! This month, I'd like to invite everyone to a month of healing. Below is a 30 day "devotional" with activities that are musically-inspired to help you connect with yourself on a deeper level, and ultimately become your best self. Whether you're a music lover or just looking to practice some self-love, this is the challenge for you!
I have colour-coded each week with a theme:
Orange - Mindfulness: The art of sitting still to reduce anxiety and regulate your system. Also great for re-connecting with yourself after a sweaty summer.
Green - Creativity: Here, we are getting in touch with our inner-artist. If you don't feel like doing something, ask yourself what you are resisting or afraid of. Those activities are normally the ones with the most power!
Blue - Emotional Reflection: In order to create our future, we must first accept our past.
Purple - Manifestation: This week is for goal-setting and empowering yourself to do what you love!
Pink - A joyful 2-day celebration, because it is never a bad idea to celebrate you.

If you're starting, I recommend you keep track of your emotions throughout this process, whether through voice memos, a journal, or just calling a friend. It's important to be in touch with yourself and understand where those emotions are coming from. It is a form of empowerment and radical self-acceptance, which I will soon be expanding on in the upcoming weeks.
Feel free to comment how you feel throughout the month or how this challenge has helped you!